Waterproof Flooring

 Everyone has areas of their home that are slightly more prone to moisture exposure- like kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, entryways, mudrooms, and basements. For this reason, you will seldom see certain types of flooring being used in these rooms, such as carpet and fragile types of hard wood. These types of rooms should have water resistant, or ideally, waterproof flooring.

For a flooring meet the grade rating of waterproof, is much truly be impenetrable to water, even when exposed for a great length of time.


About Waterproof Flooring

Waterproof flooring is usually a special, luxury vinyl flooring (often referred to as LVP), which is made of entirely waterproof materials- even the core. These sheets are sold in planks that are usually 7-8 inches in width, and can vary in length. LVP floor planks are typically a bit thicker than most other vinyl floor types because they often have a thicker wear layer. Wear layer is the protective coating that is on top of all vinyl floors, and is typically textured and embossed to match the appearance of the pattern of the vinyl.

To provide a contextual comparison, traditional vinyl is 1-8mm, whereas LVP can start as thin us 2mm but go as high as 28mm. The higher levels are thickness are typically only required for commercial flooring, since commercial floor experience much higher levels of traffic than the average home. This being said, thicker vinyl sheets are often of a higher quality than thin vinyl sheets.

In general, vinyl floors that have a thicker wear layer will be sturdier and offer more stability- thicker is idea for high traffic areas. A thicker wear layer in general determines a higher longevity and better long-term well-being for the floor. This may be especially important to consider if your home has additional traffic coming from dogs and cats.

If you want waterproof flooring, but you don’t like the look of vinyl, fear not! We sell waterproof floors in a large variety of visuals, including wood and natural stone.

tile floor - Fort Collins Flooring - Carpet, hardwood, tile, vinyl, laminate - Northern Colorado Carpets

Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) Maintenance

 Luckily, these floors are also a breeze when it comes to upkeep. Due to the thicker wear layers, they can safely be swept or vacuumed without concerns for scuffs or severe damages.

Even though they are sturdier than other vinyl, it is recommended to stick to non-abrasive, no-rinse floor cleaners when mopping to extend the life of the flooring.

While it is common to have a floormat in your entryway, we suggest that you avoid rubber-backed, latex-backed, and cocoa fiber mats because they can stain the vinyl.


At Northern Colorado Carpets, we love this selection of products and truly cannot recommend it enough! Of course, if you find yourself having any additional questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call, or stop by our showroom. We would be thrilled to show you the LVPs in person.

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