Tile Floor Refinishing

Tile is a great option for flooring, especially in areas that might be exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements! Tile comes in a large variety of looks, materials, and patterns, such as ceramic, porcelain, glass, marble, and even stone. Tile...

Different Types of Wood Flooring Part 3

Today’s post is part 3 in a multipart series where we discuss some of the common types of wood used for flooring. For part 1, click here. For part 2, click here. Without further ado, let’s analyze, discuss, and compare Douglas Fir, Chestnut, and Birch hardwood floors!...

The Easiest Floors to DIY

Over the years, the internet and social media have allowed craftspeople and home-project enthusiasts to share their work, and often people provide tutorials on how they accomplished these projects. This has created an online trend of taking home projects, and doing it...

The Different Types of Hardwood Part 2

The Different Types of Hardwood Part 2 Thanks for keeping up with our blog! Today’s post is a continuation of a previous topic: comparing different types of hardwood. Click Here for Part 1 Hickory Hardwood Floors Hickory is one of the more popular of the choices...

How Well Do Robot Vacuums Work on Different Floor Types?

How Well Do Robot Vacuums Work on Different Floor Types? In today’s post about floor maintenance, we are going to discuss something that might be considered slightly adjacent to typical floor care. We will be discussing how well robot vacuums work for different floor...

The Different Types of Hardwood Floors

The Different Types of Hardwood Floors   In a world of carpets, vinyl’s, linoleum, engineered wood, and more, hardwood floors are still are one of the most popular options for flooring. Despite the higher cost, maintenance and care requirements, it remains a...